Sometimes (or should I say many times) things don't really work out as what we have carefully planned in our heads. And when that happens we just tend to get so worked up and irritated because it is not how we EXPECT it to turn out.
Thankfully when that happens, a bible verse almost always comes to my mind.
"God's way are higher than my way, His thoughts are higher than my thoughts"
And so instead of complaining about the situation in which I have no control over, why not PRAY instead and SUBMIT everything into the hands of the Almighty? Surely He knows better than me and His purpose is to prosper me and to give me life abundantly.
When I start to meditate upon His word and trust in His provision for me, not only do I get less anxiety, I also learn to depend more on my God and less on my own abilities. For who am I without Him?
Of course at times we still do give into the temptation of the devil and have doubts or start wanting to make things right our own way. But when this happens, we rest assure that we have God's own living and active Word to counter the works of the evil one. If we truly believe in what is being written in the Holy Scriptures, I really believe out lives would be an empowered one because we HEAR and LIVE the word.
Many things had happened in the past month that has in one way or another set me back. But because I trust in His word, I know that He will surely bring me through.
So thank you Jesus for everything.
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