Thursday 18 July 2013

Traveling Across Thailand (Part 2)

Okay... so now down to Part 2 of my incredibly LONG story~

When we arrived at Bangkok, we went to Khao San Road (which apparently is where all the "happenings" are) and looked for a hotel there. We got 2 rooms for 550baht each (double bed). There was free wi-fi and the bed was comfortable. There is a 7-eleven just in front of our hotel (in fact you see a 7-eleven almost every 200m and I'm dead serious!) The only thing is the walls are seriously not sound proof, so we had to lower our voice as to not disturb the other occupants.

night view in Bangkok #1~ 

Night view in Bangkok #2

Some secluded street at KhaoSan Road

Graffiti on the walls~ just another normal sight in the Bangkok metropolis

Blizzard from Diary Queen!! OMG~ Chocolate Oreo was soooo good!

Us being totally random at the bus stop

Here Ronald McDonald gives the famous Sawadee Thai greeting :)
We stayed a day here... exploring the malls in the afternoon and the market/road at night... As expected, they lived up to their reputation for being a "party hang out" with lots of foreigners drowning in booze and shi sha what not... a little too rowdy for me. But oh well, manage to squeeze through the crowd while I was latching on to my buddy.

Our dinner- Pad Thai freshly made!!

Kebab for the boys

The three kebab boys :D

Thai pancake for dessert - with banana fillings & NUTELLA!
I enjoyed the Pad Thai very much~ it only took the vendor 2 minutes to whip us a meal! Marvelous since we were super hungry by then. Then more lychee , pancake & other fruits!

Unfortunately one of my comrade got food poisoning the next day... so dear friends, please bring along medications because somehow unexpected things can happen!

spring roll~ (but no meat T.T)

Thai sweet dessert for breakfast (mainly made of coconut)

Blue is the new colour for starbucks? 

I actually enjoy the savoury flavour of this dish.. but I forgotten the name, main point is PORK!
That's all for Part 2... will continue with Part 3 hehe~ Ciao!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Traveling Across Thailand (Part 1)

Ok, first off my apologies for not posting anything :O honestly staring and typing is just not my favourite thing to do, I'm surprised I actually have the motivation to blog about my recent trip to Thailand. 

My friends and I (four of us) went for a summer vacation from June 20 - July 3 2013. The original plan was to fly in through Laos, cross over the border into Cambodia for a couple of days then into Thailand & lastly cross back into Malaysian soil. Well... things happen and plan changes but I'll save that story for later.

I flew to KL on the 19th and had to wait till the next morning to catch my 7.15am Airasia flight to Vientiane. The plan was for my friend to pick me up at the airport (because the three of them arrived 2 days before me)

This cup of coffee was what kept me awake for the whole night while I was waiting for my flight to Vientiane.

Waiting for my flight at the Departure Terminal, woohoo here I come Laos :D

This is the plane that I will alight to my destination!

When I arrived at Vientiane...
Welcome to Lao!

Breakfast right after my arrival :) Croissant!!
Some Almond Bread~~ The taste is heavenly >.<
Delicious freshly baked croissant
Hot chocolate to start my day in Lao
Having our lunch in Vientiane - capital of Lao PDR
Basically I was just enjoying food and more food on the first day... On the same day I crossed over the Lao Thai border (NongKhai). You have to pay a "exiting" fee (45baht) before immigration at the Lao side - applicable for all. At the Thai immigration, I didn't need to pay for visa because I was Malaysian. But my friends who is of Indian national and another who is Mauritius had to pay 1000baht for Visa On Arrival (VOA). We actually had some trouble because you MUST have a flight ticket out of Thai soil in order to apply for VOA and my friends didn't because we were planning to travel by land. So for all who are considering applying for VOA at the borders, remember to book your flight tickets!

After we crossed the border (with much hurdle), we had to book our bus ticket to Bangkok (690baht-normal bus not VIP). We originally paid 700baht to cross the border + the bus to Bangkok but our bus left since we would not clear with immigration in time :(  And 2 hours into our journey, our bus broke down for some reason and we waited another hour or so before a replacement bus showed up. But the good thing is this was the VIP bus and we got upgraded for free :D

Safely arrived in Bangkok at 8am in the morning though, praise God!

On the way to Bangkok~ this is the VIP bus that cost 1000+baht 

Morning in Bangkok~ 
That's all I'm going to be sharing for now~ to be continued....