Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Muffin Disaster T.T

Today's muffin making was a disaster~


I have always liked baking (got it from my mom =P) Anyway, I decided to try my hand on making Blueberry Cream Muffins because so far I have only made cookies and tarts.

4 eggs
4 cups of flour
1 cup veg oil
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 cups blue berries
2 cups yogurt

Started of by beating the eggs in a large bowl, then add in sugar, vanilla essence and oil.
Then in another bowl, sift flour, baking soda and add salt.
Then pour the flour mixture into the egg mixture alternately with the yogurt, lastly add in the blueberries.
Stir everything together for 15 seconds.

Tada! that's how I got the batter~~~ but it smells kinda like vomit disgusting  

Batter: I know it looks yuck... 

Then I fill them up in those cups and VUALAA... I get a whole bunch of them...

Some of it are burnt~~ I know T__T

The thing is... i think the muffin where too WET... too much liquid, and since it was my first time doing it, I was sort of devastated +.+ it tasted okay though... (enough sweetness... just the texture problem)

Hopefully next time I will be able to make muffins with better texture!!! Aza Aza fighting!

*even when things are bleak, SMILE =)*

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